Weymouth Mural Restoration
In the summer of 1968, the owner of the Weymouth gas station, Zed Davis, paid Craig Staufer $200 to paint a mural of historic Weymouth
on the wall behind the bar. Craig was only 16 but already well known for his artistic abilities. Craig talked to some of the older village residents and did lots of his own research to come up with how the village may have looked in 1856. Over the years time took its toll on the mural. The current owners, Rob and Marlene Shurell, (at left) looked for years to find someone to restore the mural. Janet Baran, new to Medina but a life-long professional artist with ties to Weymouth’s Lathrop Seymour, answered the call. Thanks to Rob, Marlene, Craig and Janet for bringing this beautiful and historic mural to life. The Methodist Episcopal Church (1845-1906) above Marlene’s head was totally missing.
Weymouth Church Restoration
Richard Clark of the WPS spent 10 months restoring the original 1835 church windows and preparing them for new cedar storm windows.
Wells Cottage
Located on Medina Parks property on Rt. 18, this Second Empire Cottage built in 1872 has a new roof and the exterior will be restored by the WPS in the Spring of 2024. Saved from demolition, it will serve a new purpose in the community.